Awards for Interior Designers:
Most designers invest time and money into design awards under the category of design excellence. Looking back at these opportunities I realize that it is best to prioritize and apply for the correct awards.
Design awards can tie up a publishable project that could be published in a magazine. These award submittals are held up or obligated by the publication chosen by the award organization. Some times these features are one image of three in a few pages of the magazine. Consider if you could get a project published in a magazine first. That would be the proper sequence before submitting it to a local award.
Google your area and Interior design award and you will see what opportunities are available to you.
If you do get an award, it is verrrry important to put together a blog with all of the pictures and information on your website. The press release information will be removed or erased over time and the links you could try to have for them would become broken in time. So provide your own record of that award. There are lots of Ones to watch, or innovators awards that do not require a project to publish and they typically come at no charge and can come with a payment award. Consider those as options.
Some awards are fundraisers. If you could be publishing a project in a magazine it would be a better opportunity than winning an award. Always apply for free awards that help to establish authority instead of solely design excellence. Use the SEO of the awards and add to your blog/ website the awards you have won. It also good to add those items to your email signature.